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LiveGood is one of the best online businesses I joined. I have earned money in 1 year than in all other sites together. But you must have patience. It’s a business and don’t wait for spillovers.
You must be active, promote and share your link every day everywhere.
Some members don’t earn because they are not working and they think that they will have a full matrix within a few months so they can earn more than $2000 but that can take years if you don’t promote and build your team by yourself.
And I use their Super Reds also since a few weeks and my high blood pressure is finally decreasing now. I’m very satisfied. Especially now the warehouse in Germany is also opened so the shipment fee and shipment time has dramatically lowered now for shipments to The Netherlands.
Soon they will also open warehouses in Nigeria, Brasil and The Philippines.

LiveGood is a health and wellness company that is membership based wholesale company for only $9.95 a month. You get the products for up to 70% off. and the LiveGood compensation payplan is generous to say the least, paying weekly and monthly for us affiliates. I have been paid every week since I joined and the factor 4 product so far is my favorite
product and it really helps relieve the pain of my arthritis .